Vintage Pyrex Coffee Pot

>> Sunday, October 4, 2009

Summer has come to an end way too soon here. All this week, I could feel the shifting of the seasons rather quickly than I expected. Autumn has begun, and yet it feels like an early winter days. So has come also time to drink hot tea. I took out my two vintage Pyrex coffee pots to make some hot water to make tea for myself.

I have used kettle, pot, and sometimes coffee machine to boil hot water. For many years, Japanese made electirc water boiler & warmer was very handy to use. But when it wasn't working anymore, I did not want to have another one. It just took too much space on the counter top.
Many years ago, at a local thrift store, I purchased these two vintage Pyrex coffee pot for less than $5.00 for each. And I love to use them to boil the water. So far both of them has survived many moves. I hope they stay with me for many years to come.


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