Garden of the Gods 1

>> Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Now that weather is much warmer, today we went to visit Garden of the Gods,
a National Natural Landmark in Colorado Springs.
It's only 20 minutes drive from our house.
I am so excited that there are so much to see here without having to travel too far.
Weather permitting, we would like to explore the area.

Park History

This place is BEAUTIFUL!

The rocks are amazing!

"Balanced Rock"
The way it's standing is an amazing sight.

Every view is amazing!

Pikes Peak is looming in the background.

We can park the car in pull out area and take pictures as we try to take all in.

Incredible rock formation!

Trading Post

Rock Climbing in action!

This is a great place to spend a few hours as a family just walking the trails, hiking, or just taking in the awesome views and taking pictures.
Best of all, it's FREE!


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