Today, Having a Snow Shower

>> Thursday, October 8, 2009

Today, it's snowing here. And we are only in what month? Early October.
It's supposed to be the most beautiful month with leaves turing yellow and red.
It's 7:33 p.m. now. The current temperature is 32F, and it feels like 25F according to the weather forcast.

Yesterday, I was at T.J Max store.
All the ski jackets, pants and so many winter gears were all over the store.
At first I just nodded my head. "Yap, it's for skiing."
Bu then, I began to think that maybe, it's not just for skiing.
Hmm...I am thinking aloud: " Is it going to be really cold here in winter? "

I am somewhat concerned since I still have not changed my mental gear yet.
Coming from southern Virginia, I am still thinking "How cold can it be?"
Regardless how my mind thinks, today was cold enough to prove me wrong.
I'd better change my mental gear quickly.


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