Garden of the Gods 2

>> Monday, October 19, 2009

Past Saturday and Sunday were just beautiful days.
 Both days were deliciously pleasant sweet surprise, at least to me.
The sunny, bright, clear and warm days truly compensated last week's icy frozen days.

On our way back down from the Pikes Peak cograil trip, we had to stop by
the Garden of the Gods again to see some sections we did not go through last time.

So, here are more incredible views especially from the Visitor Centers.
Make sure you click the pictures for bigger picture size.

More foliage colors set in.
The park looks different from our last trip.

Some rocks have names. Obviouly I left names out with the last posting.
This one is called "Kissing Camels"
I still haven't run into "Siamese Twins"
I have yet to meet them.

Driving toward Vistor and Nature Center on different end of the park.

Visitor and Nature Center

From parking lot

Inside the Visitor and Nature Center
The lady at the desk posed for me.

Stunning views of the park from Visitor Center

More views from the Visitor Center
"Kissing Camels" on the right bottom.

Plains Gardens

Driving through the part that we did not last time.

My favorite picture.
When I zoom the camera, I don't find what I have taken until I load them to the computer.
A family is enjoying horseback riding.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Garden of the Gods, A Free City Park
A Park for All Seasons

Filled with the wonders of nature, the Garden of the Gods was dedicated in 1909 as a free city park. An abundance of plant and animal life can be found throughout its 1350 acres, as well as the magificent red sandstone rock formations that have made it world famous. Many of these formations are over 300 million years old and were sculpted through time by the forces of nature. The Garden offers the best hiking, picnicking, and horseback riding in the region. No trip to Pikes Peak Country is complete without
 a stop in the Garden of the Gods, a registered national landmark.

~ from Garden of Gods brochure


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