Icy Sunday, but Broncos Game is on

>> Sunday, October 11, 2009

Icy conditions remain here and caused many major traffic accidents.

Due to extreme weather condition, many churches are closed today.
Post is closed as well.

But the Broncos game is still on.

"Black ice along I-25 is making for some slick conditions. If you are heading to Denver to watch the Broncos take on the New England Patriots, give yourself plenty of time. Kick-off is at 2:15 p.m. right here on KKTV 11 News. While it's expected to warm up later on Sunday to 43 degrees in Colorado Springs and about 48 degrees in Denver, it's taking awhile for the roads to melt. C-DOT warns all drivers to take it slow. Right now, most of Southern Colorado is on accident alert. It will also be a pretty chilly at the game. Make sure to put on a few layers before heading to Invesco Field." ~ from KKTV.com


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