California Roll & Variations

>> Monday, April 19, 2010

When I don't have enough time to cook and we are already so hungry,
and yet we want something light, this is how we eat.
What you don't see here is a bowl of rice.( I use brown rice )
On a peice of seaweed, put some rice and top with anything that you like
and fold gently slighly half way to hold what's on the seaweed.

This is a great vegetarian dish that you can modify in any way you like.
You can add grilled vegetables as well.

Crab meat, cuccumber, egg, avocado, cooked shrimp, yellow pickled radish
Ahi tuna(left)-this is raw
fish egg for sushi(left)
If you don't care for raw fish, that's fine, too.
I can't find fresh Ahi tuna all the time either.
So we eat without it most of the times.

sometimes I add colorful bell peppers and left over grilled meats for variation.

When I have time, or I have company, I make them like this, too.
The ones that rice is outside of the seaweed is called California Rolls.
Crab meat, avocado, cuccumber are the usual ingredients that go in the middle.


Or like this. This time rice is inside the seaweed. This is called Gim Bap.

This is the seaweed that I use to roll California roll or Gimbap.
This seaweed is very nutritional rich in minerals, but low in calorie and carbs.

I wish I have pictures showing how to make California Rolls,  but I don't have any right now.
Maybe next time!


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