Young Ladies Get-Together

>> Friday, October 7, 2011

These beautiful young ladies are long time members of our chapel.
One time they were all military families.
They have been sitting at the same table at the fellowship room for many many years, they say.
A few weeks ago, I invited them to my place for lunch.
So they came, all dressed up for an occasion.

We live on post this time. This is one of the historical housing at Presidio that has been renovated.

As always, I don't seem to make up mind easily as to what kind of food I am going make for the occasion.
To go with all American or to add some Asian flare.
Actually I ended up making whatever I find it easy to make.
 They were all glad I made some Asian dishes.

 It's such an honor for me to have them at my place so that I could get to know them.
Their ages range from late 70's to late 80's.
 All have been married well over 50 years. Some have been widows.
Had it not been passing of their husbands, it would have been more than 60 years of marriage for some.
I wanted to make them feel special, but they ended up making me feel special.

Ms. Marion(left) with a beautiful smile and Ms. Christa(right) are from Germany.
Ms. Marion  made German plum cake for us. I don't have the picture, but it was so good.

Since then she also made me German cheese cakes.
Wow, it was a taste that is out of this world, so light and fluffy unlike dense American cheese cakes.

According to her, long time ago, some German ladies got together implementing different recipes to make one closest to German cheese cakes since they couldn't easily find the kind of cheese they needed.
Sorry, I don't have the picture of it.
By the time I realized that I needed to take the picture, three of us were already digging the cake.
Oh well... 

Ms. Christa is so quite all the time. She is a very sweet and gentle lady.

 Brigitta (right) still sings with a praise team.
She made a different version of  German plum cake that uses yeast dough. This was good, too.
Ms. Beverly(left) uses a walker.
She amuses me with her stories as a military wife while back when life was tougher than mine now.

 Ms. Flo(left) is in her late 80's, but she still drives.
As a matter of fact, some of them carpooled, and Ms. Flo is the one who drove.
She is still so beautiful. She is very active as well.
She told me she plays golf  2 -3 times a week. 
I love listening to her talk in a quite and gentle voice.
Ms. Mary walks with a cane.
She comes to the chapel with her husband who is a retired colonel and a sweet husband.
She is very humorous.


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