El Estero Park

>> Thursday, October 27, 2011

This wonderful little park that envelopes the lake El Estero is less than 2 miles from my house.
It's right on Del Monte Ave across from Monterey State Beach, and about 0.3 miles from Old Fisherman's Wharf. We cannot go to most of places without driving by this park.

The other day temperature soared to 83 degrees, unusually hot and sunny day for this area.
A day like this, this very quite park becomes crowded with people boating and bustling about. 
 Dennis the Menace Park that is in the middle of the lake was full of kids.

I also made my first intentional visit to the park to look at it up-close., and of course to take pictures.

It's always fun to watch family and friends having a good time together.
A happiness in doing small things together.
Right across from the lake, we can see Dennis the Menace Playground.
They say this park was originally established with the help of Mr. Hank Ketcham, creator of the Dennis the Menace comic strip.

You can also do fishing at this lake. Not these guys.

Lake El Estero is loaded with rainbow trout, Sacramento perch, Sacramento blackfish, Sacramento hitch, carp, tule perch and yellow bulletheads. The fishing pier on Pearl Street.

The park has an outdoor exercise course which is 1.2 miles 'parcourse' which is scientifically designed around the lake. It has 6 clusters of exercise stations.

Or you can just sit at one of the benches on the park.


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