Trip to NYC last October 2

>> Tuesday, February 8, 2011

 It was much colder night when we met at Bangkok Thai Restaurant in Queens nearby my mom's place.
All I had to do was cross Queens Blvd and walk down the street.
It's a small, but nice and clean restaurant tucked in so inconspicously on the street
where many local restaurants are lined.
If you don't pay attention, you will pass by.
I've been to this resturant many times, and yet I have to intentionally look for the restaurant.

My Pad Thai dish. It was a bit too sweet for my taste.
However, presenation was much more stylish than other Pad Thai I had at some place else.


Their jade color rice bowl with a lid is unique and goes very well with clean white dishes.

Curry with Noodles.

Martha's Country Bakery on Austin street where we had dessert after dinner.

The bakery was somewhat crowed, so I coun't take pictures, but their cup cakes looked awesome!


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