Micasa Mexican Restaurant in Breckenridge, CO

>> Sunday, February 6, 2011

We went for a drive to Breckenridge last October.
Unlike the year before, the weather here was still warm enough that
Aspen trees were still bursting with radiant yellow leaves.
I felt so lucky to have caught the sight of such awesome fall beauty that
I missed a year before due to the arrival of early winter.

We finally got to the town driving through incredibly winding roads, and we were very hungry.
After we met people who were raving about the food at Micasa, we didn't mind waiting at the restaurant. The restaurant was full.

Their interior decoration with bright Southwestern colors and styles caught my eyes.

Very spacious seating arrangements.
We were seated right next to these girls.

 The view of the deck with the tables.
Though it was somewhat cool, some didn't mind outdoor eating.

   I just wanted to taste salsa.
But, boy it was so good that I couldn't stop eating though I didn't want to fill myself up with chips before my main meal.
But, unfortunately, I don't have the pictures of our real food.
Obviously I forgot about taking pictures. We were too occupied with eating.

We liked what we ordered.


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