Trip to NYC last October 1

>> Monday, February 7, 2011

An idyllic dining experience under an umbrella in the outdoor patio area  of Ginino At Wagner Park overlooking the Hudson on a beautiful one October day.

I was the out-of-town guest who was treated to a nice early dinner here.
Though a former New Yorker, I did not frequent this part of the town.
So, the whole outdoor dinning experinece with an awesome view and good friends was memorable. 
Even the weather was perfect for outdoor dinning experience.  

   The Hudson River with Statue of Liberty overlooking.

 This is westside of Manhattan.

 Cruiseship is passing by.

 Sun is slowly setting and people are enjoying what little of  sun and daylight left of the day.

 In a big city like New York, being out there at  a park where you can stroll, ride bike, and take a leisurely walk even with the littlest person in your family is a blisss.

Again, I don't have pictures of the food.
Yes, I do have a tendency to forget taking pictures while I'm eating.


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