Mom and Her Boys

>> Thursday, May 6, 2010

What a lovely sight! I couldn't stop smiling at them.
I see a mom's way of handling her 2 boys and shopping at the same time.
A perfect depiction of a woman's strength, she is.

I love her fashion, too.
Even the colors of the wrap or sling match with her outfit.
Actually they are all dressed in matching colors.
Not a bad idea to say that "We are the family."

However, the boys seem trapped, one in the shopping cart, and the other in mom's back.
Obviously the older boy wanted to get out the cart. Mom would not let him because he touches things.

Yeah, I see the conflict. We can't suppress the boy's curiosity, can't we?
But I still feel for the boy who wants to be freed.
I wonder how the boy would behave if mom would let him out of the cart.

Would he run? Would he be touching whatever items he finds fancy?
Would he hide? Would he be asking lots of questions?
 I'm sure only mom knows her son.

Nonetheless, I was so glad to have caught the sight of them and be able to shoot.


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