Laurel, MD & Walter Reed

>> Thursday, September 24, 2009

A party at the Rileys

During John's assignment to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC from 2003-2005, we lived in Laurel, MD about 25 miles north of DC. It was a great place to live and for the first time, we were living among the non-military folks. :) We loved our neighbors and  enjoyed their friendship very much.

In fact, in this picture, they are throwing a party for us at the Riley's to celebrate John's promotion.

At times, we were sad especially when John was deployed to Iraq and when our son became sick due to his ruptured appendicitis and his long and arduous recovery process for many months to follow. However, we still have many wonderful memories like this one as well as  neighborhood block party and ladies night and just getting together forming a friendship with each of them in a special way.

And I am still so grateful to those of you who came to visit us while John was deployed.

A surprise visit from these guys was an unforgettable special treat for us.
Thank you!!


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