Fresh Figs

>> Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fresh Figs!
I never cared for dried figs. I never liked Fig Newtons, either. I don't remember ever having desserts made of figs. But, I fell in love with  fresh figs recently when we bought them from Costco.

It's very soft and sweet. Unlike John who says he grew up eating them  a lot, I never tasted them until now.

Figs are rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium. Vitamin C and the B group vitamins are also present in small quantities. They are also high in fiber. Figs have the highest overall mineral content of all common fruits.

"Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves."(Genesis 3:7)   This fruit goes back to the time of Adam and Eve.                                                       


Colorado Spring, Our New Home

>> Friday, September 25, 2009

It was early in the morning of August 12, 2009. It's humidity was unbearable. Finally the time has come for us to leave Fort Monroe, VA, a home for last 3 1/2 years to us, to come to Fort Carson in Colorado.

According to the Employee Relocation Council, moving is third only behind death and divorce as the most stressful life event. Yes, uprooting your family can be stressful at times. And no doubt, moving is physically exausting as well.

Though we loved each place we lived, when the time comes for us to leave, for no reason we were always so glad to leave the place. But this time was different. For the first time, our son was not coming with us to our new place. He had to go back to his college by himself after he finished his work as a summer hire a week later.

Yes, so on our way to Colorado Springs, we couldn't get over the feeling that we might have forgotten something or even left something behind. As if to remind us that we did, our son kept calling us to find out where we were.

Driving through West Virginia was an awesome driving experience with beautiful scenery. But after West Virginia, we were on vast plains for next two days except when we were passing by big cities like St. Louis and Kansas City.

Finally, on our third day driving we were in vicinity of Colorado Springs. We began to notice rolling hills. And then, boom!! In an instant, we were surrounded by the majestic view of massive Pikes Peak Mountain range all around us. Everywhere you go; this city has the backdrop of Pikes Peak, the America's Mountain.

We have been praying that our moving process and finding a new place to live would go smoothly. Many people were praying for us as well. There was a time in the past when we were staying at a guest house for a month while looking for the house. So we were prepared this time as well. The wait list for the post housing was too long. So search for a house off post began.

We wanted to stay within our budget which is what we get paid for housing allowance. Most of the places if we liked the house, it was way over the price range. Sometimes the pressure within us can drive us to make a decision against what we have planned in the beginning. Of course, we also wanted to settle in as soon as we can so that John can start his work and not be concerned about house hunting, unpacking and anything that had to do with the task of moving in.

Here is how our house hunting story went. It may be mundane in a sense. But, for us it's always a testimony of how God opens the door and blesses us with what we need in a best possible way.

We want to familiarize ourselves with this area. So we drove by a house that was on ad to check out the area first. When we got there, the moving truck was parked in front of the house. John who assumed that people were moving out asked about the availability of the house to a gentleman who was actually walking toward us to greet. But actually they were moving in. The house was taken.

However, this gentleman was kind enough to show his house around and wanted to help us with our house hunting. That's when he mentioned about a house that he saw a few days ago. He said he really liked the house, but they took this bigger house instead.  And he told us he would have the owner give us a call.

We never got the call. But I was so curious. The thought of that house this gentleman mentioned lingered with me. So I went on for search of this house with my computer. Since the owner himself is renting, I knew he must have advertised his house through some venues.  And sure soon enough I found one that fits the description.

We called the owner and we were at his house right away. And this house was the house that the gentleman had told us about. It was available.

We liked the house very much. It was clean and well kept. The view from the front porch was spectacular. Other than the fact that it was rather a small house, it was suitable for our family. Most importantly, it was empty.

However, by now, we were getting calls from the property managements with whom we left messages. Just to make sure that we are making a right decision, we wanted to check out a few more places in other area that was closer to work. It was very popular area as well. We had to second guess ourselves.

So we excused ourselves and went away without making any commitment. But, we did not like the area that we were shown.

When we were leaving this house that we liked, other people were also coming in to look at the house. Well, we said to each other "What can you do?" We still had to turn around and go back to the house. If it was not taken, we decided that we would take the house.

When we came back to the house, it was still available. Well? After all, we worried for nothing, I thought. But, when the owner sheepishly told us that he sort of somewhat lied to other people whom we saw coming in to check out the house. Lied to them? What about? He had said to them that the house was taken though it was not. He continued to say that somehow he knew that we would come back for the house. In other words, he wanted to rent his house to us.

Oops... ha-ha, we did come back for the house, but we felt bad for those people. Hmm...but he is the owner and he can do whatever he wants to with his house. This is how our house hunting in COS ended in 3 days since we came here. Praise God!

We are very much excited to make this house our home. Our son will be joining us here during the Thanksgiving Day break.   ~ mkl


Fort Monroe, VA

>> Thursday, September 24, 2009

We left Fort Monroe, VA last month to come here for John's new assignment  in Colorado Springs, CO. For 3 1/2 years, we had a great time living in a historic fortress. Do you see the moat in the picture? We lived inside the moat. On the right, there is a great length of seawall . It's an awesome place, tucked in south of Hampton right before the tunnel to go down to Virginia Beach.

We were lucky to have lived in Lee's Quarters which was occupied by 1st LT Robert E. Lee from 1831-1834. To be precise, my upstairs neighbors Tim and Reba lived in General Lee's quarters on top, and we lived right below.

Right across from our quarters was a museum called Casemate Museum. The museum has Confederate President Jefferson Davis's prison cell. Another rather odd guest in the museum is Edgar Allen Poe. He did serve at Fort Monroe before he became a famous poet who wrote the famous poem called 'Annabell Lee.'

The historic Chapel of the Centurion at Fort Monroe is the oldest wooden structure still in use for religious services since 1825. The chapel is named after the Roman Centurion, Cornelious. Our family went to this chapel to worship on Sundays.

Every time I sat on the left side of the pews on Sundays, the stained glass window in the picture always caught my eyes. The window reads "He Died So the Kids Next Door Might Live" In Memory of First Lieutenant Robert L. Williams Jr. Born Feb 26, 1924 Died in Korea Aug 4 1950.


Laurel, MD & Walter Reed

A party at the Rileys

During John's assignment to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC from 2003-2005, we lived in Laurel, MD about 25 miles north of DC. It was a great place to live and for the first time, we were living among the non-military folks. :) We loved our neighbors and  enjoyed their friendship very much.

In fact, in this picture, they are throwing a party for us at the Riley's to celebrate John's promotion.

At times, we were sad especially when John was deployed to Iraq and when our son became sick due to his ruptured appendicitis and his long and arduous recovery process for many months to follow. However, we still have many wonderful memories like this one as well as  neighborhood block party and ladies night and just getting together forming a friendship with each of them in a special way.

And I am still so grateful to those of you who came to visit us while John was deployed.

A surprise visit from these guys was an unforgettable special treat for us.
Thank you!!


Pikes Peak View on Sept 22,2009

>> Tuesday, September 22, 2009

These shots are taken from our front porch.
Yesterday we had very little flurries, but people who live 15 miles north of us had real snow.
The mountain disappered for last few days. Today it showed up bight and shine with the peak covered with snow. Here people say you never put away winter clothes in summer and summer clothes in winter.


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