Benihana & Free $30 Birthday Gift Certificate

>> Sunday, November 6, 2011

 Benihana offers free $30 birthday gift certificate(excludes alcoholic beverages, gratuity, & taxes) to use during the month of your birthday. If you like Benihana, go here, and register yourself.
They will mail you the gift certificate.

Though we are not very fond of eating out, we have used this free gift certificate deal to celebrate someone's birthday in our family and break the mold.

This picture from outside is a recent picture whereas the rest of pictures are from the day we went out to eat at the restuarant.

 Waiting at the waiting area.

Food that is so familiar to us, and yet with some twist in terms of preparing and serving right there makes this dining experince unique. However, had it not been the free cupon, we may not have chosen to go here. It's all too common for us.

Nonetheless, we have enjoyed our time together.

I heard their lunch menu is pretty good and the price quite reasonable for this area.


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