Vintage Enamelwares

>> Friday, November 6, 2009

Since we have moved into our new house in August, I was loving the use of
cut flowers from our backyard while the summer was still lasting.

I thought the flowers that were growing in the backyard are the kinds
that go well with these vintage enamelwares.
Even after the flowers dried, they still look good in it.

The white coffee pot, the milk jug and turquois pitcher are my favorite.
They are good to use for cut flowers as well as the dried flowers.

 Two white enamelwares cost me less than a dollar each,
and about $5.00 for the turquois pitcher.
These are the remnants from my flea-marketing days in Germany.
They have survived many moves since then and had endured much neglect as well.
I love looking at them being used.


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